• Manufacturers of VMPs
  • Distributors of VMPs
To whom?
  • Optimization of the company's financial costs when entering the market
  • Rationalization of the company's time costs
  • Assistance in case of difficulties during the registration procedures
  • Supervision of the process of interaction with official authorized bodie
What for?
Registration of veterinary medicinal products in the Russian Federation / Armenia
  • Initial assessment of documents and information provided by the company for the formation of the registration dossier
  • Development of a strategy for conducting registration procedures
  • Preparation of the registration dossier for submission to the authorized regulatory bodies of the Russian Federation and the EEU countries
  • Assistance in organizing the payment of state duties of the Russian Federation and the EAEU countries for foreign companies
  • Assistance in technical translation of registration dossier materials
  • Assistance in notarization of documents on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Submission of the registration dossier to the authorized regulatory body of the Russian Federation and the EEU countries
  • Supervision of the registration process during the examination
  • Informing the client about the progress of the drug registration process
  • Timely completion of materials upon requests from authorized regulatory bodies
  • Receipt of the final registration documents by our experts in the authorized regulatory bodies of the Russian Federation and transfer of documents to the company
Procedure algorithm:
«VetRegister» LLC
Address: 111622, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Kosinskaya, 27, building 1A, office 332
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